Jesus, what just happened in Beirut?

Doesn't appear like fireworks to me on account of no coloured flashes, seems more like the flashes you can see are small arms exploding, leading to igniting something far more powerful
If you watch the video slowly at the time of the big blast - it looks as if there's two explosions

There's a huge fireball.... then the "nuclear" like cloud - obviously not saying it's nuclear though
You can hear the firecrackers going off if you see a film with a long lead up to the big explosion, I guess it reached the main storage for the bulk gunpowder? In a couple of shots you can see a coloured smoke which I suppose would be for special effects in pyrotechnics?
This is so sad.

The Lebanese have been through tons of devastation in their lifetime yet those I have met have been some of the nicest and kindest in the world.
Fortunate enough to visit the country 8 years ago and had a wonderful experience.