Good news about your lottery ticket

I came down this morning and checked my emails and received the following e-mail from the lottery 'Good news about your lottery ticket.'

Whilst logging into my lottery account, I am trying to play it down and thinking I will have matched two or three numbers. For that split moment though of logging into your account you are thinking it could be me, I might have hit the jackpot or maybe the next prize down. The excitement is running through your veins in anticipation, you are telling yourself over and over that it will be nothing but still daring to dream, someone's got to win it, why not me? I finally get logged into my account and bang I had won £2.30, it's not even a free go which costs £2.50.

Oh well, it will go towards Tuesday's divvy tax and I will dream of what might have been. ;)
At least it was only dream NC, imagine if you had been one of these.