FMTTM Coffee Club

Regarding Romer Parrish, I am none the wiser, I always thought it was on the corner where Middlesbrough Discount Store is but looking at old images, it seems to be in the middle of a terrace. I am sure someone on here will know exactly.
It looks like the cafe is on the site of Romer Parish. I became less sure as we discussed it but it does seem to be.

I used to love going in Romer Parish, a rare treat for someone who lived in Marske. And Leslie Browns in Stockton. Both great toy shops; we had Gay Days, later Gaiety, in Marske; nuff said.
I used to love going in Romer Parish, a rare treat for someone who lived in Marske. And Leslie Browns in Stockton. Both great toy shops; we had Gay Days, later Gaiety, in Marske; nuff said.
Me and my brother were kicked out of there, twice. Romar Parrish that is, 1 for building stuff from lego and smashing it up. 2, for hammering the bouncy/power balls all over the shop. We were ferral 'winky face'

Don't start me on Uptons, me being a clever lad, i sussed out how to get their machines to let you play for longer than 5 minutes.

What parents allowed me to leave the house?? Talk about anarchy
There is a range!
If it’s okay, I will look you up when I get to Milwaukee. Might have my sister with me, not too sure yet, there is some planning still to do.

My grandfather was born there, and my great grandfather and great aunt are buried there. No one has ever visited before and it seems to have fallen on me to represent the family now that I’ve located them.

I’m more nerdy than @sadgit when you get down to it. Sorry Mark (smiley clenched teeth face)
Re 15th Feb. - as things stand I’ll not be able to join you all as I have childcare commitments. Cheers
If it’s okay, I will look you up when I get to Milwaukee. Might have my sister with me, not too sure yet, there is some planning still to do.

My grandfather was born there, and my great grandfather and great aunt are buried there. No one has ever visited before and it seems to have fallen on me to represent the family now that I’ve located them.

I’m more nerdy than @sadgit when you get down to it. Sorry Mark (smiley clenched teeth face)
Sounds good! We are about sixty miles south of Milwaukee, so only about an hour's drive. I didn't get to see the Fonz statue when I went there for a day trip so I definitely need to go back!
I wrote a song about the family coming back afterwards. Lots of people died around that time.

And any excuse to roll one of my songs out

Okay I’m sorry, but I did it anyway

Listened to this before, I really like it, puts me in mind of `PURE` and also `TVC 15` I like the 3 notes you added 1.45 & 1.53. the trumpets added the song gets really good. I listened to it through the headphones. Not had a chance to listen to the stuff you put on the other day, but will.
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