In the EU it seems the far right are taking hold. As we are still using FPTP is that protecting us from this? It seems that centrist parties win elections in the UK, but if PR was brought in that might let these parties in.
Maybe that is a good thing as it would let the Greens in too but is it worth the gamble? We could see Reform-like parties, some even more RW getting a foothold in our democracy.
Exactly, been saying this for ages.
When you're ahead, FPTP is good, and PR makes no sense, as it gives the other side a voice, that they did not let you have when you were not ahead. But as we have the right in 2/3rds of the time, then long term not having it has hurt the left. Tide is changing now, the only relatively younger voters that remain on the right side are the extremists who are throwing their teddies out of the cot.
So, where the Tories might have had 3 votes before they keep one, lose one to extremists, and lose one to the centre. The votes the Tories do keep will die off as their core voter base is very old, and has old views.
10 years ago I would have said PR was a good idea, but having seen what the Tory vote is being replaced with (younger, less selfish and more diverse folk) I don't want it any more. All it would result in is some political gridlock on some issues. Although saying that, I think Labour left, Labour centre left and Labour centre, Greens, and Lib Dem could agree on a lot of things that would work out for where I sit.
It would have been a good thing to have at the time of the brexit vote though, as even if we had voted out, then we would have at least started with a deal a lot closer to what the public actually wanted, i.e not the hard brexit that only 18% of voters wanted. BINO would have kept a lot of the idiots happy.
Not having PR helps in some way against the right though as there are a hell of a lot of absolute extreme far right lunatics, so having them having say 100 seats and the left having a 100 seats, won't weight to the middle, it will weigh over to the lunatics as they have the press on their side, and the gullible people sympathise with that side. They're also a lot more vocal on older peoples social media etc.
PR might end up with a ~60/40 in favour of the left, for now, but it wouldn't have been that way 5,10 years ago. I don't want the 40% having loads of seats as once they get the press behind them things could start to move the wrong way again (temporarily).
PR in 10 years, when another decade of Tories have died off should be fine, will be more like 70/30 by then.
Not sure how PR would work with local seats though, how do MP's get selected per area etc?