Farmers threat

You know what is tosh you have no idea about the farming industry but continue to spouting utter nonsense about things that you have no idea about in this thread
You are talking absolute rubbish
Can I ask you to answer this one question
Why do you think farmers are entitled to better IHT allowances than other people in this country
I know you won’t answer it
I know this is a piddling thing but if you are a traditional farming family with the farm handed down across the generations your house is likely paid off. My house is a daft 3 bed but costs me to the tune of 13k mortgage payments each year if the farm/farmer is low earning this makes a massive difference and over a generation would add up. So even the 50k earners benefit hugely from the generational thing.

And by the way £500million in tax taken off the wealthier folks is not pathetic. That would pay for 12,500 nurses each year.
It would pay twenty quid a day for school dinners for seventy thousand kids every day of the year.
It’s retraining for a new career for 40,000 people.
You could blooming give fifty thousand of the poorest hard working families (basically the population of Middlesbrough) ten grand a year tax free to improve their lives.
If you taxed them instead you would get 100 million pounds back on the cash you’ve just given them!
The sum is transformational for tens of thousands of lives.

There is a separate issue there in that so much money has been lost due to corruption and incompetence that half a billion quid doesn’t sound like a lot any more.

Apologies for the long thread and apologies if the numbers don’t add up as they are googled and representative (I.e pulled out of my ****).
So the poor farmer's are complaining about inheritance tax, poor things
Labour should say to them okay let's stop you using red diesel which is much cheaper than normal diesel,I bet there would shut up then.
I don’t get why they shouldn’t be subject to it like all of us?