Driving too Close to Cyclist offence

Just as an aside, at the weekend I was out in the NY Moors on my bike and found every single driver patient and courteous which was a pleasant and unusual change.
I cycle a lot in the NYMNP and the only poor driving I encounter is from the gamekeepers, who have zero patience. Clearly their esteemed clientele can’t wait 5 mins to start shooting.
And that’s not just showing my bias against the @rsehole shooting tw@ts.
On single track country lanes where 1.5 M is simply not possible, am i just meant to stay in second gear behind them for however long? Every so often there are passing places for traffic where a car can pull in for safe passing, cyclists never seem willing to pull in and let a car past which would be courteous.

Also, when faced with a cyclist coming in the opposite direction what are drivers meant to do if there is no passing place at that point on a single track road. Should i just stop the vehicle while the cyclist rides past or keep going slowly, but i guess that is wrong as its no difference to overtaking distances?
You wait. Personally I always pull over as soon as possible, but it’s not a legal requirement.
On single track country lanes where 1.5 M is simply not possible, am i just meant to stay in second gear behind them for however long? Every so often there are passing places for traffic where a car can pull in for safe passing, cyclists never seem willing to pull in and let a car past which would be courteous.

Also, when faced with a cyclist coming in the opposite direction what are drivers meant to do if there is no passing place at that point on a single track road. Should i just stop the vehicle while the cyclist rides past or keep going slowly, but i guess that is wrong as its no difference to overtaking distances?
Just becuase you have a car and they have a bike doesn't give you a higher authority.
The answer is YES. Wait in 2nd gear for as long as it takes to abide by the law and pass them safely.
Again, you're blaming the cyclists for not pulling over. The law doesnt require that.
When are you ever in such a rush that you can't wait to keep people safe?
On single track country lanes where 1.5 M is simply not possible, am i just meant to stay in second gear behind them for however long? Every so often there are passing places for traffic where a car can pull in for safe passing, cyclists never seem willing to pull in and let a car past which would be courteous.
Yes, you wait.

Also, when faced with a cyclist coming in the opposite direction what are drivers meant to do if there is no passing place at that point on a single track road. Should i just stop the vehicle while the cyclist rides past or keep going slowly, but i guess that is wrong as its no difference to overtaking distances?
You wouldn't be overtaking then, however it would be common sense to slow down as much as you safely can.
What have "cyclists" done to upset you so much ?

Are you a lover of "drivers" or "walkers" by any chance ?
There's plenty going on out there with cyclists. I was travelling behind one on a wide road, he veered in front of me as far as the centre of the road a couple of times before I sounded my horn to let him know I was behind him, he was wearing headphones. He wasn't holding the handle bars for the 100 or so metres beforehand.

He wasn't happy about the horn being used.
Just becuase you have a car and they have a bike doesn't give you a higher authority.
The answer is YES. Wait in 2nd gear for as long as it takes to abide by the law and pass them safely.
Again, you're blaming the cyclists for not pulling over. The law doesnt require that.
When are you ever in such a rush that you can't wait to keep people safe?
Wow, I am not blaming them, merely pointing toward what may be courtesy i appreciate they don’t have to as I indicated. So, what is the answer then to being an oncoming vehicle in the same scenario where 1.5M is impossible, do I just brake and stop, coming round some bends that may not be possible in time? Edit: sherlock has answered above.
The law was changed wasn't it, you now have to give at least 1.5 meters when overtaking cyclists?

Or does it mean you were *tailgating* a cyclist? Because if so, that's a really F***ing stupid thing to do and you'd deserve to have the book thrown at you

Edit - okay so you're being charged with Careless Driving. Surely you would remember doing this, though.

You’d be surprised, lots of impatient drivers who give less than 1.5m who would be unaware they wouldn’t be giving the right amount of space
Yes, you wait.

You wouldn't be overtaking then, however it would be common sense to slow down as much as you safely can.
So you can pass in the opposite direction just not overtake from behind, providing you do so as safely as road conditions and visual time allows?
There's plenty going on out there with cyclists. I was travelling behind one on a wide road, he veered in front of me as far as the centre of the road a couple of times before I sounded my horn to let him know I was behind him, he was wearing headphones. He wasn't holding the handle bars for the 100 or so metres beforehand.

He wasn't happy about the horn being used.

For every cyclist committing a wrong story you can come up with, I'm sure people can come up with 10 drivers doing something wrong stories.
Have many cyclists been prosecuted? What about the idiots that ride all in black with no lights? Food delivery riders are doing this a lot, where we live.

Bikes and cars moving at more than 20mph shouldnt be allowed to mix, in my opinion. There should be cycle ways everywhere to accommodate them.
There's plenty going on out there with cyclists. I was travelling behind one on a wide road, he veered in front of me as far as the centre of the road a couple of times before I sounded my horn to let him know I was behind him, he was wearing headphones. He wasn't holding the handle bars for the 100 or so metres beforehand.

He wasn't happy about the horn being used.
Aye, the headphones thing is mental - same with pedestrians crossing the road with them on.
Have many cyclists been prosecuted? What about the idiots that ride all in black with no lights? Food delivery riders are doing this a lot, where we live.

Bikes and cars moving at more than 20mph shouldnt be allowed to mix, in my opinion. There should be cycle ways everywhere to accommodate them.
The fact that some cyclists ride carelessly should make motorists more careful, not less.
I did make a post earlier than was sort of daft as it may have derailed the thread, but as the issue of nuisance cyclists has come up…

This morning I crossed Charing Cross Road and had to wait in the middle of the road as the TWO cyclists that jumped the red light travelled past, otherwise one of them would’ve gone straight into me. At lunchtime a bike travelling the wrong way down a one way street in Soho had to break sharply as I’d had the temerity to cross the road as there was no traffic, until this doyle hurtled around the corner. And literally less than 10mins later, a knob head on a Lime bike had to break sharply as they sped around a corner I was turning. On the pavement! Luckily they braked, if not then that would’ve been the second time I’d been by a bike since June.

I’m not meaning to just have a pop at cyclists because there are terrible, terrible drivers too. The numbers of cars, vans and even lorries that jump red lights in central London is absolutely disgraceful. I’ve even seen buses do it too. It’s amazing more people aren’t killed or seriously injured.

It does just seem to be getting worse. So many people have absolutely no thought for pedestrians or fellow road users. Walking to the office in Soho from Charing Cross every morning, you’ve got to be really careful even when using green lights on pedestrian crossings. There are some real dangerous types out there.