Do you suffer range anxiety for the battery on your mobile phone?

No, but my phone has Turbocharge so even at 1% I can get back up to about 40% in less than 10 minutes of charging.

My phone has never turned itself off due to low battery, so I don't worry about it 🤷
Range anxiety is b0llocks. It doesn't exist.

It's just nonsense peddled by the anti mobile lobby and you're a mug for swallowing their nonsense 👀👀👀

100% agree.

I recently used my phone pretty much all day for two days. Only charging it for a short time at work as I was going to work anyway and overnight when I was asleep as I had coincidentally pre-planned that morning to go sleep later that night.
Had it big time hiking across the Spanish Pyrenees Mountains this summer, all the maps for the route were on my phone, so was terrified of the phone dying and getting lost, as some bits of the route you could go a few days without easy access to electricity and a charging point. I would haver had to carry too many maps to rely on hard copies ...
Anyone else panic when your phone reaches 20% even though there is at least an hour or two remaining?

It's only recently that I stopped printing boarding passes and train tickets just in case my battery ran out.
I suffer more from cookies anxiety with someone else in the house finding my phone lying around and discovering the truth about my browsing history and some of the dubious hot milf websites I've been directed to after clicking on the adverts on here.
Yeah, it's even worse on holiday.

Not that I ever actually need my phone, but it's just nice to have it there as back up.
The battery bank has its own drawbacks, you forget to charge it up and have no idea how much power is in it anyway.

Plus the battery bank efficiency plummets in lower temperatures.

Unreliable technology.

You are better off carrying a spare phone, only costs a few hundred quid plus a sim contract.

What is a mobile phone and why is a battery important? My modern 1976 BT rotary dial phonenever needs charging up 🤷‍♂️
My old phone was great and I didn't want to get rid of it, but it was battery anxiety that made me get a new one. Following Boro for me means long days on public transport, and the last thing you need when your trains are inevitably cancelled is for your phone to die as you're trying to find an alternative way home.
The fines on trains if you don't have proof of your ticket are the major thing for me.

I've came back from a match at the Riverside before where my phone died as I got to the station and I've had no way of proving that I actually had a train ticket, thankfully this was a few years ago before they started cracking down on it all and I got home without issue, but if it had happened today I could have been given a £100+ fine despite having a valid ticket.
There are definitely chewy conductors that would give it as well.

It's part of the reason I always make sure I have a cable and battery pack with me now.