Cramp at night.

I get cramp in my toes. It's really painful.

Also seem to be cramping up whilst bucking recently. Definitely getting old
If I stretch my foot as I try to gain some extra 'purchase' then it sometimes triggers a cramp attack. Puts me right off.

Obviously makes me pull quite a grimace as it makes my wife laugh. I think that's why she's laughing anyway......
  • Haha
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You haven't started a course of steroids recently have you? I took them for a while last year and while I have always suffered with cramps, the steroids made it an every day occurrence.
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You seem to be slightly obsessed by the theory that people are logging onto various accounts, or is it that you think there is only one person with loads of accounts? It's all very odd 😬 I hope you weren't boring poor Francis with this all night
Cramp is a baffling one. I've had bad leg cramps for years
I've tried everything, doctors say it's a unknown cause.
I had to give up drinking , because that made it so so bad .
My triggers seem to be long runs, binge eating , and sitting too long...
Last 6 months I'm just getting them in both calfs which wakes me up dozens of times. But it much better ( as I can stretch toes back and it goes off ) then when I got it in lower back. Couldn't stand up for 10 mins or so. And Inside the thigh is unreal as it's hard to stretch .
Apparently it gets worse with age and I'm only 54 .. Jesus Christ 😂
I don't get it often but an old miner trick is ready-salted crisps you can feel the cramp fade as you eat the first couple.
Cramp is a baffling one. I've had bad leg cramps for years
I've tried everything, doctors say it's a unknown cause.
I had to give up drinking , because that made it so so bad .
My triggers seem to be long runs, binge eating , and sitting too long...
Last 6 months I'm just getting them in both calfs which wakes me up dozens of times. But it much better ( as I can stretch toes back and it goes off ) then when I got it in lower back. Couldn't stand up for 10 mins or so. And Inside the thigh is unreal as it's hard to stretch .
Apparently it gets worse with age and I'm only 54 .. Jesus Christ 😂
Did you try drinking 4 litres of water a day every day as a trial for a month ?
Yes I did. Was told I was drinking too much water in fact. Probably over 4 litres. Cut back a bit now .
Bit of a Aqua holic back in the day
Wow. We are all different obviously, mind, I changed my diet quite a lot too at the same time that I started drinking 4litres of water a day. my Mrs cooks me a huge batch of chicken rice and vegetables every week which I eat every day for a week.
I do have a beer or two throughout the week and some chocolate but that’s it and it’s totally working. 🤷‍♂️
I used to suffer on an almost daily basis - solved it. Stopped taking Statins
That's good to know. I've started Statins a few months ago and my cramps have got worse.
But what is Crazy is that a few hours after posting about the bad cramp in lower back and inside thigh, it returned for the first time in months , in that area.
It must have a lot to do with my Crazy Mind ??
Last couple of weeks I’ve been getting leg cramp during the night. I quickly stand up and stretch and it does go but can be very painful. Different locations but shins is popular at moment.

Anyone suffer from them? Any good remedies?

I’ve had issues with my back so appreciate it could be the nerve damage or my general fitness causing them. I find it I go for a walk on an evening I rarely get them so maybe that is the answer.

Have you tried any of the "remedies" posted here yet.