Becoming Led Zepplin

Saw it today in Brisbane. A must for any fan of Zeppelin. The article posted by NC (thanks Alan) covers the gist behind making of the documentary focussing on how the band was formed along with the making of Led Zep 1 and 2. I really enjoyed it especially the old footage.
How are you keeping, everyone alright?
Saw it today in Brisbane. A must for any fan of Zeppelin. The article posted by NC (thanks Alan) covers the gist behind making of the documentary focussing on how the band was formed along with the making of Led Zep 1 and 2. I really enjoyed it especially the old footage.
I’ve read the books and it will be great to visualise them. The Peter grant book is a real eye opener
I’m hopefully going to see this tomorrow night, looking forward to it. I love band documentary/films, so much better than all these sh*tty biopics they’ve done in recent years.