Anti China


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The rhetoric from USA, UK and BBC is getting more aggressive. Demands for action against China is building - just when the world needs to be pulling together in the fight against Covid19.
Trump needs a war. Wars are good for incumbent regimes in trouble facing elections. See Thatcher and Falklands.
Can you blame anybody for being anti China? I mean it's not like they tried to cover the whole thing up by arresting doctors and journalists.
And when I say China, I mean CCP, unfortunately people in China are servile to this evil dictatorship. It's the ones that are completely brainwashed and spam social media with their propaganda and disinformation and lies. But yeah, anti China means CCP not the country and majority of the people.
And when I say China, I mean CCP, unfortunately people in China are servile to this evil dictatorship. It's the ones that are completely brainwashed and spam social media with their propaganda and disinformation and lies. But yeah, anti China means CCP not the country and majority of the people.
Well you've never mentioned that before Mitch......
I'll continue to mention it because their lies got us into this mess in the first place.

They knew about human to human transmission back in December and did nothing for two months allowing the virus to spread overseas yet halted domestic travel from Wuhan. Instead of making every post about China that I contribute to all about me, why don't you just face the facts about their zero compassion for human life and people's livelihoods?

95% of the worlds cases and deaths would have been avoided if they acted two weeks earlier according to studies at Southampton University, around about the same time Taiwan was trying to alert the WHO and the world, but because China will do anything to drown out Taiwan, the world was cut off from key information.

As for the current situation, I still can't get out of China, I have had 3 flights cancelled. My next flight out is scheduled for June 16th. The situation is the same last time I posted, three cities in the north east of China are under lockdown and any mention of the virus situation in China is heavily censored. State run media are continuing to run stories that the virus came from America, kids are being used on propaganda soundbites and more journalists are disappearing. So, as you were.
Thanks for your concern pal. Thankfully my VPNs are secure and I haven't had any issues as of yet with the authorities (touch wood). Most foreigners where I live are still getting harassed by the police on a weekly basis, June 16th can't come quick enough.
In what way are foreigners being harassed by the police - but not you?
You're a brave fella risking all this internet under the noses of the all invasive CPC!
Trump needs a war.
Statistically Trump is the least militaristic president in decades. While he has used military force he hasn't actually invaded anyone, and is busy returning troops back to the USA. This was one of his campaigning points during the 2016 election. So he needs a war like he needs a hole in the head. He was elected on a policy of "getting out of foreign wars" and America First.

And anyway, you can't have been watching the news if you think the US could start a war with China. They can't even source antibiotics for their troops.

Here's what Qiao Liang said recently:

“How can the US today want to wage war against the biggest manufacturing power in the world while its own industry is hollowed out?”

An example, referring to Covid-19, is the capacity to produce ventilators: “Out of over 1,400 pieces necessary for a ventilator, over 1,100 must be produced in China, including final assembly. That’s the US problem today. They have state of the art technology, but not the methods and production capacity. So they have to rely on Chinese production.”

Retired PLA General Qiao Liang along with Wang Xiangsui wrote the book, "Unrestricted Warfare". While not official Chinese policy it does feed into the Belt and Road initiative China has used to undermine US influence around the world. And it is the PLA's approach to warfare against an enemy they can't hope to defeat militarily. Worth taking a look at if you want to understand China's approach.
I despise the chineese regime not the innocent population I really wish we didn't trade with a country with such an appalling human rights record. Lets be honest their competitive advantage comes from terrible workers rights its never been a level playing field with the Western world.