

Well-known member
We have had a few threads on here.
This is an excellent article - hope it helps

My son was away in Copenhagen last week with his partner and her mum. He had to walk out of the restaurant they booked on the Sunday night - the noise was unbearable.
He felt awful.

Must admit aesthetically much nicer than traditional ear defenders which can be conspicuous.

Going to try them out with the boy, but change doesn't come easy with him. :D
I was surprised how easily my lad took to them particularly as he's very sensitive to touch and usually hates anything on his skin.
He wears them predominantly for playing football in to block out noise from the sidelines and has been an absolute gamechanger. He's like a different kid.

But also use them in pubs / restaurants / shops with great success. He wore them at the Riverside last week for the first time and he loved it even though he was very nervous about the noise beforehand. He even took them out at half time which I think is probably a reflection of the current drab atmosphere in the Riverside to be honest :ROFLMAO:
Does he wear anything to protect from noise? Headphones/buds or anything?

My son wears loops and is finding them really helpful.
No - he can cope sometimes.
It was the culmination of a full on weekend
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Had he had a weekend on the sauce? 🍺🍺🍺

Wonder if these things can be heightened by booze, similar to anxiety etc
Something that might help also is sunglasses, lights and the constant flashing of things can be really off putting. Emergency service lights I really hate, have to look away or close my eyes.
Slight update, since diagnosis I requested to try medication. I opted for guanfacine as it was a non stimulant and my main concern was trying to rid myself of the rejection sensitive dysphoria associated with my ADHD.

The meds despite good reviews online seemed to do nothing for me after 2 months so I decided to knock them on the head.

I've since (after a long wait due to meds shortages) started on lisdexamphetamine. From the very 1st day on a relatively low dosage my mind felt quiet and clear. It was like a miracle, my house was cleaned within 2 hours I got started on a course I've procrastinated on in months. I no longer dread work and I generally feel much more content.

I'm toying with the idea of placebo but ultimately the difference in my ability to think and just do the job Infront of me is night and day.

That's my short lived and subjective experience but just wanted to add that whilst the wait from diagnosis to treatment is arduous, I would recommend sticking at it.

I'm just disappointed I didn't get this sorted 15 years ago!
Oh man up and grow some g0nads... 🥺

On a serious note, I was tested and was told I just have childhood trauma. And just a tad screwed. I wish anyone well who suffers from ADHD/Autism.