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  1. J

    Sunak - "more important to fight the scientists than to fight covid"

    The first lockdown was understandable as there was little knowledge. By the time of the following winter we knew it was mainly those with underlying issues who were at serious risk. Should the whole country have stopped again on that basis? Would people have been in favour of lockdowns if...
  2. J

    Rwanda Scheme Booted Out

    Surely the answer is a referendum to see what the British public want - ID cards must be shown to vote
  3. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    And what if your opinion is that being poor is a choice? Poor people either don’t work hard enough to earn sufficiently or spend above their capabilities. Do we just dismiss this as a valid view? Part of the joy of being ‘relatively’ well off is knowing that you can live a lifestyle that the...
  4. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    Why why are people having children if they can’t afford them? Why do we pay child benefit as almost an incentive to have them?
  5. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    I know nothing about cheese. I know lots about working hard, very hard, and being taxed ridiculously so people can stay at home and sit on their ****. As for the living wage, a job is worth what someone will do it for, I turn lots of work down because it doesn’t pay enough.
  6. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    what is wrong with working hard and not relying on handouts - genuine question.
  7. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    Proper disabilities probably account for 10% of what is claimed to be a disability. It should be whether you have a limb not working. No need to be homeless or a single mum.
  8. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    Financially 🤦‍♂️
  9. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    I’ll vote for whoever is best for me financia
  10. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    I’ll vote for whoever is best for me financially.
  11. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    No I think most of those issues are made up. There are undoubtedly genuine cases but a lot of weak people hide behind them. Doubtless that makes me cruel in the view of the board.
  12. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    I sit corrected. My point remains. I’m such a new member I’ve been here 20 years btw.
  13. J

    Is it compulsory to be evil to be a Tory

    I’m Tory, embarrassed by the current lot but can’t vote for anyone else as it will cost me money. Don’t think for a minute that Braverma’s views don’t represent that of many - and the Met Police are taking sides because Armistice Weekend should be sacrosanct for the majority of this country...
  14. J

    Worst Ever Boro 11 - We have our team!

    Ian Ironside? We'd have been better with Chief Inspector Ironside.