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  1. B

    Male Boxers fighting Females in the Olympics

    I keep reading arguments for her competing likening potential genetic advantage to Michael Phelps etc. But the argument doesn’t stack up IMO. The crux of the argument against is that if it’s true that she possesses a Y chromosome, and has undergone male puberty, and has an advantage because of...
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    Male Boxers fighting Females in the Olympics

    To paraphrase Roy Keane " Your eyes don't lie ta ya "
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    Incident in Southport

    Feel sick reading about this.
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    Police Brutality

    This whole incident has just highlighted how disconnected people really are. Not at all surprised to see the extra context to this. (and BTW still not the full context) I note the placards, the protest mob, the ex-met chief superintendent (embarrassing from him) are conspicuous by their absence.
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    Police Brutality

    Having a high profile misogynist as a solicitor in a case where it’s alleged you’ve broken the nose of a female police officer. Can you spot the issue there or do you need me to highlight it again?
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    Police Brutality

    I said that where?
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    Police Brutality

    One of his clients allegedly broke a female police officers nose.
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    Police Brutality

    Solicitor in this case has a chequered history.
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    Kids with footballs - Our Rights

    Confiscate all of the balls that come over and display them on 8ft spikes within your 6ft fenced property for barbarians to see how you deal with the threat of primary school children playing football. Used to think this type of reaction was ridiculous from grown adults when I was these kids...
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    Police Brutality

    Not sure what the legality is around releasing body worn footage, and not saying that seeing what happened in the buildup mitigates the officers actions afterwards. But, I do think if they were able to release extended videos of the incident it might help to calm the wider situation. The press...
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    Police Brutality

    The ‘Auntie’ concerned was obstructing the police immediately prior to the incident and again when both men are on the floor is approaching the officers arresting the men. It doesn’t justify the kick or the stamp, but telling her to get out of the way is completely justified IMO
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    Police Brutality

    Hard to have a reasoned take when you see a short clip at the end of an incident. It does seem to me that the guy that gets kicked hands stiffen at the same time his head comes up. I’d wager that’s an involuntary reaction to being tased that the officer’s overreacted to. That being said, it...
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    Joey Barton

    I can't abide Aluko's punditry but maybe the comparison to Fred and Rose West is pushing it a bit. Though not sure his posts amount to a criminal conviction, guess we'll see. In other news he's applied for the England managers job. 😂
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    Tony Mowbray

    A great man.
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    Andy Murray to retire

    Nowhere near the top. Somewhere within the top 50, maybe. Benefits from significant recency bias IMO.
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    Southgate departing....

    Yeah fair enough. I think he could be good too. I’d respect it more if they came out and said that though. Their MO is more like sounding him out before publicly backing him while papers talk up ‘bigger’ managers
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    Sarina Wiegman mens England manager

    The job should be given to the best applicant
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    Monaco interested in Latte Lath

    Do not sell. Please.