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  1. M

    Boro News

    it's awful, small snippets and old news written to fill space rather than provide anything useful.
  2. M

    Hi Ren

    nice, i didn't buy any of his physical merch. I think i clocked onto him in Dec 22, around the time of Hi Ren hit Youtube and first started making waves. He's been at the top of my most played artists on music provider since then
  3. M

    Hi Ren

    and also checkout the music video to Su1cide
  4. M

    Hi Ren

    probably me, been in Ren Rabbit hole for along time. Checkout Humble, The Hunger, Money game part 1 and 2, Sevin Sins, Chalk Outlines, How to be me, Dominoes, Back in 74 remix Also check out his mate Sam Tompkins, amazing voice
  5. M

    Leicester avoid points deduction

    so if the premier leagu had waited for them to be back in the EPL, then they could have legally charged them for breaching in the past?
  6. M

    Having my hip replaced on Sat

    what are you replacing it with?
  7. M

    15 year old digital season card on an Android phone - help please

    have you tried downloading a different wallet app?
  8. M

    Help Clean Up Tomorrow - An Appeal for Help

    my cousin has put this up
  9. M

    Police Brutality

    legally its irrelevant. However, in regards to the officers being branded as racists based on the original video, it's not.
  10. M

    Police Brutality

    it will be treated as 2 separate incidents, but there are now mitigating circumstances for the head stomp, and due to the short time between the incidents then plausible cause that it was heat of the moment rather than pre-meditated. Still wrong to kick someone like that but doesn't point to...
  11. M

    Police Brutality

    Yes, now we have evidence we can make informed decisions. And Yes, Burnham should have said a violent altercation, more precisely he should have said a violent altercation between the officers and men where officers were struck during the arrest attempt that occurred before the scenes shown in...
  12. M

    Police Brutality

    finally some evidence! they deserve a healthy sentence
  13. M

    Police Brutality

    i'm not suggesting, i'm stating that the only statement saying an incident occurred with a female officer is from the GMP. The only evidence currently available shows police officers attacking civilians. once when they have their hands up and are backed against a wall, and another when they are...
  14. M

    Strong team

    Azaz equaliser
  15. M

    Police Brutality

    The fact that there were no assault charges is very telling. If they release the bodycam footage we can all see what happened and cast blame based on evidence.
  16. M

    Police Brutality

    What, like a pr*ck?
  17. M

    Police Brutality

    The only people you show up is yourself and the pathetic people like you.
  18. M

    Police Brutality

    Can guarantee your type would be up in arms if a white brit was kicked in the head while alread restrained and lying on the floor in a foreign country. But if it happens to a brown guy you'll find any excuse to justify it
  19. M

    Police Brutality

    Clowns like you would do anything to show how stupid you are.