Is there a way to password protect a folder in Windows?

Not sure you can, at least not in W10. I think security is at the user level so if you don't want someone to see a folder you need to give them their own Windows account. OTOH I think you can share folders between accounts,
Not really , but the next best thing is to put off the casual browser person. Say you had a folder named BorosBestGoals then just rename it to MyboilsandrashesPics and very likely this wont be of interest to anybody
Not really , but the next best thing is to put off the casual browser person. Say you had a folder named BorosBestGoals then just rename it to MyboilsandrashesPics and very likely this wont be of interest to anybody
I'm in. Seriously though, if you need to do this. Why not use something like a secure USB pen that has hardware encryption like the IronKey S1000. Better than storing it on a computer.
I imagined this would be very straight forward but I cannot find a way to do it.

Anyone been able to do this?
You can do it with some programs, or you could zip the folder and password protect it.

Some online storage and password managers also have sections in a "vault".

Could also use an external drive but be careful if it's valuable info you can't afford to lose I've had a few hard drives/ USB sticks for long term storage go t*ts up and only managed to recover half of them.
A place to hide my bitcoin if I choose to buy one from a miner.
NEVER store crypto related stuff on a computer, NEVER type in your SEED keys, and NEVER share them with anyone

I'd spend the extra and get a Hardware wallet for Bitcoin - extra spent against the cost of Bitcoin itself?

Hardware wallets include

Ledger Nano (not the Bluetooth enabled one)

Lots of others but I couldn't speak for them as not used / tested, including

Download veracrypt.

Create a container file of a decent enough size that would fit the files you want to put in. Set the password.

Once the container is created, you have to choose a drive letter to mount it to, I just use A:

Once it's mounted, place the files inside you want to protect. Then dismount it once you are finished.

Then it's just a case of mounting it each time you want access to it.
Zips can be brute forced easier than veracrypt. However using 7zip to create the zip gives additional encryption options that are just as powerful as veracrypt.
You need to create a .dat file in the folder you want to protect
This will then create a locker folder for you to store anything you want protect with a password
It also hides the folder, leaving the .dat file as the access point for the user to access the password protected hidden folder

No external programmes to download, all the options are already there built in to windows

Password protect a Folder guide