Donald Trump - another irrelevance if he becomes president

Donald Trump is projected to win more than 300 electoral votes in the 2024 election by flipping a number of key swing states from President Joe Biden, according to forecasters.

Lol don't quote Newsweek as a source if you want to be taken remotely seriously
Lol don't quote Newsweek as a source if you want to be taken remotely seriously
:-D that is - exactly - the type of, news, MAGA & republicans are reading - as trashy as we may find it viewing from a wide range of sources is better than an echo chamber of 'like minded' sites..
:-D that is - exactly - the type of, news, MAGA & republicans are reading - as trashy as we may find it viewing from a wide range of sources is better than an echo chamber of 'like minded' sites..
Right, so because a news publication (well known for not employing fact checkers) creates an entire article based on a speculative YouTube video (which in itself is only using a small portion of registered voters for its polls) means that Trump is likely to win? The only vote he has locked up is the MAGA vote, and that is a tiny proportion of registered voters.

Historically, the incumbent president has a huge advantage, especially one who flipped key electoral states like Biden did in 2020.
If god forbid he gets a second term that 4 year period will be like a US banana republic with a dictator at the helm making up his own laws.
I sincerely hope he loses but it won’t be like that if he doesn’t. It wasn’t last time and no would be dictator could have had a better excuse for overreach than Covid. Instead he stuck to telling us to drink bleach and left pretty much everything else to the states. He’s a lazy narcissist. Like Johnson only more so. It’s the lazy that saves us.
I'll be a close race because despite Trumps many issues, his base believes all his lies. Add in the right and the Christian nationalists who'll willingly ignore the assault on democracy if it means that they can impose their religion on others then he'll pick up plenty of votes.
Alabama have just put another stake into the heart of women's rights with their new IVF law and its highly likely that SCOTUS will look at same sex marriages before long too. If the Dems can actually get their messaging right regarding the issues then they should walk it, but the Dems need to learn to fight dirty to combat the depths that the GOP will sink to.
Trumps financial issues will be the most likely thing that stops him winning as he now has 30 days to post the NYC money and it goes up by something like $80k every day. Add in the E Jean Carrol money and the potentially massive civil suits for the Jan 6 victims and he may well be peniless even before he sees jail, which is also very likely. He'll lose a lot of moderate Republican votes if that's the case, but certainly not all of his support.
Right, so because a news publication (well known for not employing fact checkers) creates an entire article based on a speculative YouTube video (which in itself is only using a small portion of registered voters for its polls) means that Trump is likely to win? The only vote he has locked up is the MAGA vote, and that is a tiny proportion of registered voters.

Historically, the incumbent president has a huge advantage, especially one who flipped key electoral states like Biden did in 2020.
other than the last bit, is what I said.. it's how the right / MAGA see it & that is what they are thinking..

Stats themselves are never a good measure though it's all we have until election day..
I sincerely hope he loses but it won’t be like that if he doesn’t. It wasn’t last time and no would be dictator could have had a better excuse for overreach than Covid. Instead he stuck to telling us to drink bleach and left pretty much everything else to the states. He’s a lazy narcissist. Like Johnson only more so. It’s the lazy that saves us.
Mind you, Hitler was notoriously lazy when he got into power :confused:
I think it would be silly to write him off completely but it’s worth noting him and the MAGA republicans he’s endorsed have lost every election since 2016. The only republicans that have really done well are the ones that have made a point of distancing themselves from him.
Right, so because a news publication (well known for not employing fact checkers) creates an entire article based on a speculative YouTube video (which in itself is only using a small portion of registered voters for its polls) means that Trump is likely to win? The only vote he has locked up is the MAGA vote, and that is a tiny proportion of registered voters.

Historically, the incumbent president has a huge advantage, especially one who flipped key electoral states like Biden did in 2020.
I admire your staunch belief trump won’t win….

Would u do £50 charity bet? As I think he will….
How the hell is he allowed to run for president with all these court cases outstanding and judgements against him.?
He can run for (and be) president from inside a jail cell, it's absolutely mental.
It is but in fairness the founding fathers prob never envisaged a scenario when an orange buffoon would stir up a mob wearing buffalo horns to storm the capitol building erect gallows to hang the vice president and then pay off a porn star and still have the mind numbing self delusion narcissistic god complex to run again for the same process you told all your cult followers was flawed.
It is but in fairness the founding fathers prob never envisaged a scenario when an orange buffoon would stir up a mob wearing buffalo horns to storm the capitol building erect gallows to hang the vice president and then pay off a porn star and still have the mind numbing self delusion narcissistic god complex to run again for the same process you told all your cult followers was flawed.
And if in jail as president can he pardon himself, put all his opponents in jail - and cancel all trials against him and awards made against him?
And if in jail as president can he pardon himself, put all his opponents in jail - and cancel all trials against him and awards made against him?
Only federal trials. The president cannot pardon state trials, so the NY hush money case and Georgia Election interference case would still go ahead.

Of course, as President he could just replace the prosecution in those trials with officials who will drop the cases.

He is literally running for President in order to stay out of prison. It's likely his only chance now. The ironic thing of course, is that had he not been so egotistical to run for President in 2016 in the first place, he wouldn't be under this microscope. He's been doing crimes for nearly all his life and been getting away with it.