You know you're old when...

When snow isn't fun anymore, it's just cold and you don't think about being off school you think about having to drive/de-ice the car.
When you go to a gig and don't storm for the circle pit, but stand conveniently close to an exit so you can get out and aren't stuck in the queue/car park all night.
When you have to explain to your kids why we hate Chelsea and they don't associate the club with being in the PL.
When you are the one turning all the lights off, rather than the one whose left them on.
When you forget your age and have to work it out.
When you have to shave your nostril hairs.
When you always have a big coat in the car.
When kids talk about social media platforms you have never even heard of.
There are several milestones in life which make you feel old and at first it's fun, like the first time you get called mister by kids in the street, or the year your youngish aunty sends you a birthday card featuring a bear holding a pint. It soon wears off.
There are several milestones in life which make you feel old and at first it's fun, like the first time you get called mister by kids in the street, or the year your youngish aunty sends you a birthday card featuring a bear holding a pint. It soon wears off.
Yeah, i remember when a woman was with her kid and i held the door open for them and she said to her kid "Say thank you to the man". I felt about 90 years old, i think i'll have been about 30.
When nothing makes you angrier, for no discernible reason, than the (not especially) young folk on Junior Masterchef. which you caught 5 minutes of, by accident.