Recent content by Wistow_Red

  1. Wistow_Red

    What sports (other than football) DO you like?

    Football Cricket - I prefer test matches over the short form of the game. I can happily sit all day working with a test match on to keep me company. Hurling and Gaelic Football as they are just both so quick and mental. Padel - my newest like and the one that I also mainly play now.
  2. Wistow_Red

    Criticism of Gareth Southgate

    Absolute bollox. The players respect him massively. He's created an England squad that players want to turn up for. What does an FA yes man mean? Is that someone who picks the players you don't like and drops the ones you think should be in there? I bet you were screaming for Grealish not to be...
  3. Wistow_Red

    Criticism of Gareth Southgate

    Why doesn't the blame lie with the players? Ever? Why is it England have had two decent, not exhilarating, opening 20 minutes in two games, gone 1-0 up in both of them, could have pushed on for more but have decided to sit back and defend. That's not a Southgate thing, as Kyle Walker attested...
  4. Wistow_Red

    People you can't believe how old they are

    Ralph Macchio is 62 and 10 years older than Pat Morita (Mr Miyagi) was in the first Karate Kid film
  5. Wistow_Red

    Best Film Franchise

    Depending on the type of films you like there's the John Wick movies if you like an action film. If you like martial arts films there's the two 'The Raid' films (subtitled but amazing fight scenes). There's also the Bad Boys movies and if you want a leave your brain at the door but good escapism...
  6. Wistow_Red

    Scotland new kit.

    I do like the new Scotland kit but I wish they had stuck with the 150th Anniversary kit for this rotation. That for me was an absolute classic (so much so it's the first shirt of any type I've bought in 20 years)
  7. Wistow_Red

    Have Man City ruined the Premier League?

    So basically, whilst we were doing it, it was okay, but now others are doing it, hang them all!
  8. Wistow_Red

    Unusual or Different Pub Names......

    There's the Ham & Cheese in Scagglethorpe just off the A64 near Malton. Always amuses me that one when I drive past for some reason.
  9. Wistow_Red

    Aurora Borealis tonight

    That was most likely the lights. I needed night sight on my camera to bring out the colours where we are.
  10. Wistow_Red

    Aurora Borealis tonight

    And this was Iceland, I wish I'd just stayed at home 🤣
  11. Wistow_Red

    Aurora Borealis tonight

    This was just outside Selby
  12. Wistow_Red

    Aurora Borealis tonight

    I was lucky enough to see them in Iceland a couple of months ago. It was an unbelievable experience and definitely a bucket list moment ticked off. Fingers crossed for those looking to see them tonight
  13. Wistow_Red


    It's not the club's fault. There's not a lot they can do about the situation. The ground is owned by Gateshead council, who like every council are struggling with their finances. Apparently they are losing £860k a year on the stadium and are looking for a new operator to take over the running of...
  14. Wistow_Red

    Barlaser, Engel, VDB

    Bollox. VDB is rapid so the rest of your post isn't worth considering