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    Valenica is owned by Peter Lim. He has now committed to rebuilding their "nou Mestalla" stadium 15 years after it started being built by borrowing against the current site which he will sell for redevelopment.
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    Palace co-owner wants to but them. Bad for palace as this is rich one!
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    try this: Was für ein Scheißhaus
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    Come on then tonight...Leeds or Norwich??

    Leeds for me. Gives us a better chance next season as Leeds will be strong again.
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    Free agents for next season

    If Che Adams joins our club I will be gutted. He is utter garbage
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    Fury V Usyk.

    Embarrassing, unless Tyson comes out and says it wrong it will leave a sour taste. John should be banned and removed from the event, just shows himself to be a thug.
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    Akpom back?

    Sadly so true!
  8. S

    Famous Celebrities That Are Considered Hot But Don't Do It For You?

    HAHA mate I would defo fancy 30 minutes in a room but she annoys the hell out of me when she speaks, her attitude and many many other things!
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    Akpom back?

    Perfect for Palace or West Ham
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    He did it on the pitch. That quote is on Twitter.
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    Confirmed what he said
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    He said “it is close but I don’t want to say too much” in response to be asked you must want to come back for more of this!
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    Bless him he struggled through that interview too. Love him me!
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    Just said the deal is close!!! Superb
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    Bye Bye Hackney?

    The club, no! but the player should be and surely is being advised to wait and see who is in charge first before signing for a club. If a Pellegrini style manager came in then no kid is getting a kick in that side!
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    Bye Bye Hackney?

    West Ham buying players without a manager now! As if a player would join a club not knowing what manager will have him and what his role might be!
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    Sammy Ameobi

    got no club. Presume his injury finished is career
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    Maddo just wripping it out of Drury

    Has he even got a job now? oh yeah hes a musician