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  1. Nero

    The attitude to people suffering with mental health issues on this forum

    Who said it? (Not asking what was said as it seems ridiculous)
  2. Nero

    Carrick new contract announced - runs till 2027.

    Brilliant news.
  3. Nero

    Best chippy in the North.....GO!

    It’s been a while since I had some but the Almighty Cod in Seaton Carew is excellent. They do a half lot too, which is something only available in Hartlepool / Seaton, I think.
  4. Nero

    EURO 2024

    Wouldn’t fancy England against Portugal.
  5. Nero

    Zhang Wilder

    Evander Holyfield was better than Tyson.
  6. Nero

    Jacob Rees Mogg

    14 years of shocking Tory government. That is the only thing people should be aware of. Austerity has hammered many people in this country and especially in Teesside. If you’re not aware of that just look around you.
  7. Nero

    Jacob Rees Mogg

    Rees-Mogg is a typical Tory. Surely you can’t square voting for them Nobby.
  8. Nero

    Jacob Rees Mogg

    As if the Tories put him up for election in Fife. The good people of Scotland would never vote for a ****** like him.
  9. Nero

    Boro and Dortmund fans.

    Better than the Sunderland ones, mate! 😀
  10. Nero

    Do we live in a democracy?

    Not a democracy. It’s an aristocracy. Mainly, the country is built and ran around people who go to certain schools and mix in certain circles. Very rarely does a person from an ordinary background get into those circles. It’s a closed loop old boys network. It’s ironic when people like Truss...
  11. Nero

    Loving the BBQ Spring weather in Boro this year

    British weather is dreadful most of the time. It was about 13 degrees most days in July last year. The last time I can remember a few days of consecutive nice weather was 2020 COVID times. The April that year was amazing.
  12. Nero


    Good luck to Danks. It’s a great opportunity and one that can’t be turned down. Can’t believe some on this thread take it personally. Carrick and Woodgate both worked at huge clubs, so will totally understand the chance.
  13. Nero

    Fury V Usyk.

    We this thread continue until the rematch?
  14. Nero

    Former Premier League players who wouldn't get a look in today

    Carlton Palmer. Edit. I will add that to be a professional someone has to be a seriously good player.
  15. Nero

    Who's got the best squad for Euro 2024?

    France. They have quality in every position unlike England who are looking very weak defensively now without Shaw (presumably). Portugal also have a great squad. They have strong options in every position. England’s front 4 is probably the best but a lack of depth at 9, weak at left back and...
  16. Nero

    EURO 2024

    Big loss for England.
  17. Nero

    Carrick in Ibiza

    Doesn’t it show how rubbish the weather is in Britain?
  18. Nero

    * The EFL Championship. Leeds V Southampton Play-Off Final Thread *

    How Adam Armstrong didn’t get in the team of the season is stupid. The lad has been class all season and scored the winner today with a brilliant finish.
  19. Nero

    Starmer wants to drop voting age to 16

  20. Nero

    Starmer wants to drop voting age to 16

    16 year olds voted in the Scottish independence referendum. They also should have got the vote in the EU referendum. Britain probably wouldn’t have shot itself in the foot if they did.