Recent content by Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

  1. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    I'm glad I never had to work down t' pit

    Everytime someone gives one of those "people these days" or "what's the world coming to" or "tsk tsk knife crime these days I fear for my grandchildren", I always wonder if they've heard of the holocaust or stuff like that.
  2. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Geordies you actually like

    Just don't ask him about the monkey that ate his fags.
  3. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Premier League clubs to hold vote on scrapping VAR.

    The application of VAR has made me far less lightly to be abusive to referees as I recognise the incongruity of wanting a system to be scrapped that aids referees with expecting all their decisions to be correct. If a penalty is conceded against the Boro that should not have been given I think...
  4. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Premier League clubs to hold vote on scrapping VAR.

    This is nonsense. An acceptance that VAR needs to go is also an acceptance that mistakes will be made. There's so little logic there it just comes across as an attempt to insult.
  5. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Viagogo are filthy touts are they not?
  6. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Come on then tonight...Leeds or Norwich??

    Leeds. Sick of Norwich stinking up the prem. What's the point.
  7. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Big Cats roaming wild in the UK?

    The thing with cats is when they get ill they tend to just go off and hide somewhere. So all the dead lions and tigers in England are probably hidden under sofas and behind drawers and the various other places cats squeeze themselves into.
  8. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Premier League clubs to hold vote on scrapping VAR.

    It's made the game 96% shitter. Another two percent and it will be worse than rugby.
  9. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Big Cats roaming wild in the UK?

    I'm inclined to think they were just normal sized cats, but they were very close by.
  10. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Decorating Music

    Go for something fast then you'll get it done quicker. Corrosion of conformity for example.
  11. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Sycamore gap

    I like how one of them was too stupid to cut eyeholes.
  12. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Sycamore gap

    Who would have thought it was daft punk that did it?
  13. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Accidentally put doctor who on

    K9 used to shag robot dogs. I'm not even sure there's a sexuality that covers that.
  14. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    New portrait of the king

    It got one star in the guardian review. Not sure what the point is in reviewing something so subjective.
  15. Sheriff_John_Bunnell_ret

    Premier League clubs to hold vote on scrapping VAR.

    For VAR to be well implemented they would have to figure out how to stop time.